While Joe Biden and his radical leftist friends continue to ignore the invasion at our southern border, crime and drugs are pouring in poisoning our citizens. As your next Congresswoman I’ll work tirelessly to end the flow of illegals and CLOSE THE BORDER. Joe Biden must be held to account for his reckless policies.
Democrats & Joe Biden have forgotten that the Government doesn’t create jobs – the private sector does. The best thing the federal government can do to stimulate job growth is cut taxes, eliminate unnecessary regulations/red tape, and put Montana and America first. In congress I will fight for policies that drive down inflation, decrease taxes, encourage organic economic growth, and lower the cost of living so that all Montanans can enjoy the American dream.
Since 2020 there have been many questions about the results of the Presidential election. Instead of working to strengthen the public's trust in elections, Democrats have instead chosen to weaponize the federal government against their political opponents, criminalize free speech, and have pushed to federalize our elections. I could not be more against this. Elections must be free, fair, and controlled at the state level. We do things right here in Montana, and our results show it.
Montana's families have to meet the bottom line each month; they don’t get to spend money they don’t have. The federal government has been spending more money than we have for decades, resulting in trillions in national debt that will plague our country for decades. We must stop the Democrats' out of control spending and handouts to foreign nations. In congress I will fight to cut wasteful spending, to balance the budget, and to always put America First.
As a member of the Land Board for seven years, I know the importance of protecting public access in Montana. Expanding access and quality management of our forests and lands to ensure that generations of Montanans will continue to be able to hunt, fish, and recreate is one of my top priorities. In DC I will work to open our forests to be managed in a way that helps create even more prosperity for Montanans and helps to stop out of control forest fires that keep us from using them to make memories with our family and friends.
Since 2017, I have worked tirelessly to put parents' rights first in Montana's education system. I have defended the innocence of our children from radical democrats, ensuring sex-ed isn't taught until the 6th grade. I have fought to preserve competition in athletics by not allowing boys to compete against girls in girls' sports, defended hunters safety & archery instruction from attacks by the Biden administration, and have made clear that there are only 2 genders in our instruction. In Washington I will be a watchdog for parents and an advocate for our students. I'll work to dismantle the Department of Education and return control of our students' education to the States. I'll stop the weaponization of Title IX against our girls and protect girls sports from the trans-agenda. Together we will ensure world-class education for all of our students by returning control to the local level.
The Biden administration has bent to the will of radical environmentalists, killing countless American jobs while making us beholden to foreign oil. Here in Montana we know that fossil fuels and renewable energy are both critical to our prosperity; whether the leftists like it or not, the US will need oil for decades to come. The United States has the capacity to not only satisfy our own oil needs, but to return to being a net exporter of energy. In Washington, I'll stand up to the radical environmentalists and will work to return the United States to the energy independence we enjoyed under President Trump.
As Montana's Superintendent of Public Instruction, I've fought back against the Biden Administration to ensure that hunters safety courses remain in Montana's schools. Educating our children on the Second Amendment is crucial to its preservation; after all, the Second Amendment is what guarantees our Bill of Rights. The Constitution couldn't be more clear, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Red flag laws, attempts to ban particular models of firearms, and gun-free zones are all unconstitutional.